Merit Badge Day Training

Event Type: Miscellaneous/No Credit

If you're volunteering to help with Merit Badge Day I, please come to this training session to make sure that you're familiar with the event and have access to all necessary resources.

If you live in AA and are attending either the full day event or afternoon shift, please make sure to contact about picking up an Arduino kit for the event.

Project Leaders: Dr. David Thomas Martel (damartel), 🐧💵Erik Radakovich (eradakov), 🐻‍❄️ Zehua Li (simonli), and ⚜️ Gregory Su (grsu)

When: Thu. March 11, 2021 7:30 p.m.–9 p.m.

Where: (off campus)

You must login to sign-up


10 (no limit)

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