Ultimate Knitwits

Event Type: Social/PD

This event was the synchronous portion of knitwits, where participants learned how to make hand tied fleece blankets to donate later on. The blankets fulfilled TBP's goals to perform meaningful service to the community, while the social aspect built a sense of community among TBP members. This event was held just before finals week, so it was also a good way for TBP members to de-stress.

Project Leaders: Sydney Erickson (smericks), Dr. David Thomas Martel (damartel), Pengyuan Xiu (xiupy), and Madelyn McMillan (mmcmi)

When: Fri. April 16, 2021 6 p.m.–7 p.m.

Where: https://umich.zoom.us/j/96050720997 (off campus)

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