The W23 Semesterly Banquet

Event Type: Miscellaneous/No Credit

Every semester, the outstanding members of the chapter are recognized at a diner/awards ceremony hosted after initiation. The best electees, electee teams, and project leads are recognized. Superlatives are exchanged, and a design challenge is given to the members. This friendly competition ends the night after recognizing the achievements of the past semester.

Project Leaders: Denise Schlautman (dschlau), Ishaan Vinayak Shetye (ishetye), Kevin Masel (kmasel), Hunter Daniel Kanaiela Tze-Cho Muench (hmuench), Colin Hunter Davidson (codavids), Dr. David Thomas Martel (damartel), Jacob Victor Miller (millerjv), Karen Jin (karenjin), Ansh Patel (anshp), Riley Garliauskas (garliari), John Ike Smith (ikesmith), Mitra Nikki Mokhlesi (mmokh), Ben King (kingbe), and Ranadeep Mitra (ranadeep)

When: Sat. April 15, 2023 5 p.m.–9 p.m.

Where: Zingerman's Greyline (off campus)

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