Third Actives

Event Type: Voting Meeting Attendance

Actives meetings were held in order to conduct chapter business that requires active members' votes. Electees are not allowed to attend these meetings until they have been inducted into membership. Third Actives was a voting meeting regarding electing electees to membership and other bylaws and constitutional changes. Dinner was provided to attendees.

Project Leaders: Jacob Victor Miller (millerjv), Karen Jin (karenjin), Ansh Patel (anshp), and Alexander Justin Li (alexjli)

Start TimeEnd TimeLocation AttendeesSign-up for shift
Tue. Nov. 07, 2023 6:30 p.m.Tue. Nov. 07, 2023 8 p.m.Virtual ( Password:1885 (off campus)

32 (no limit)

You must login to sign-up
Tue. Nov. 07, 2023 6:30 p.m.Tue. Nov. 07, 2023 8 p.m.1013 DOW (on campus)

36 (no limit)

You must login to sign-up
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