Order of the Engineer Ceremony

Event Type: Service Hours

The Order of the Engineer Ceremony seeks to promote professionalism and ethics in engineering. Graduates who participate in the ceremony receive a special ring to remind them of their responsibility as an engineer. The event is available to all graduating students in the College of Engineering.

As a volunteer, you will provide assistance for setup, sign-in, food, etc.

Note: The service hours for this event will count toward the Winter 2024 semester (unless arranged otherwise)

Project Leaders: Jacob Victor Miller (millerjv), Colin Hunter Davidson (codavids), and Kevin Masel (kmasel)

When: Thu. Dec. 14, 2023 11 a.m.–1 p.m.

Where: Michigan Union Kuenzel Room (on campus)

You must login to sign-up


3 of 10 spots.

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