Event Type: K-12 Outreach Hours
We will be inviting several middle schools from the larger Detroit area to University of Michigan for a day focused on engineering! We will spend the day with several hands-on modules and activities.
Middle schoolers from the Detroit area will be in attendance from 10AM-4PM for various engineering related activities (will share exact details with volunteers). We need volunteers to help us run the activities (similar to CSD/MBD) and other event aspects like set up and tear down.
Please contact haasf@umich.edu and annanova@umich.edu if you have any questions. Look forward to seeing you there!
EDIT: You can sign up for a full day shift, or a half day shift.
Project Leaders: Advika Jhingran (advikaj), Paco Haas (haasf), and Anna Novak (annanova)
When: Sun. Nov. 24, 2024 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
Where: EECS Atrium (on campus)
You must login to sign-up
26 of 30 spots.