Event Type: Service Hours
One of TBP's new initiatives is a dedicated engineering service project program where TBP members and teams can use their engineering skills to develop service solutions in exchange for service hours.
These solutions can be for TBP, other orgs, the CoE, or the broader community, as long as they're designed to fulfill or improve a community service.
By going to tbpmig.org/SERVEIdeas, you can earn up to two service hours by submitting ideas for engineering service projects by February 4th!
Project Leaders: Michael Liberty Capitani (mcap) and Drew Boughton (drbought)
When: Tue. Feb. 04, 2025 9:59 p.m.–11:59 p.m.
Where: tbpmig.org/SERVEIdeas (off campus)
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4 (no limit)