Event Type: Miscellaneous/No Credit
March Madness is upon us!
Sign-up link TBD.
Two fees are required, per bracket:
$5 donation to the Lynn A. Conway Memorial fund: https://giving.umich.edu/um/w/lynn-a.-conway-memorial-scholarship-fund-703207
$5 administrative fee
The combined fees of $10/entry can be paid to @KyleLady on Venmo, or a receipt of a donation can be sent to kylelady@umich.edu along with a $5 administrative fee payment. Multiple brackets are allowed. If you do not indicate which one(s) you are paying for via email to kylelady@umich.edu, eligibility for prizes will be assigned starting at the lowest-performing bracket.
Prizes for the top 3 individuals will be determined at the organizers' discretion. A prize for the best-performing bracket with Michigan as the champ will also be awarded at the organizers' discretion.
Project Leaders: BAMF Kyle Lady, 🦖 (kylelady)
When: Sun. March 16, 2025 noon–Thu. March 20, 2025 noon
Where: (off campus)
You must login to sign-up
4 (no limit)