2017 MLK, Jr. Luncheon Series II

Event Type: Professional Development

Interested in discussions on social culture at UofM? How about social entrepreneurship, diversity, inclusion, and many other important topics? Then look no further than the MLK, Jr. Luncheon Series.

These events are held every Winter term, hosted by Tau Beta Pi and the College of Engineering and seek to promote a culture of inclusion while helping encourage attendees to continue their development as a "whole person" rather than simply as an "engineer."

Topic: “Preparing for the University of Michigan's Third Century”
Speaker: James Duderstadt, U-M President Emeritus, University Professor of Science and Engineering, Director of the U-M Millennium Project

Project Leaders: Ilkka Kovanen (ilkka), John Fan (jxfan), and David Mark (dhmark)

When: Wed. Feb. 08, 2017 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m.

Where: Johnson Room (Lurie Building) (on campus)

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