Officer Positions


Team Lead: Executive Committee

Term: 1 Semester, may serve at most 2 terms

The President's primary jobs are to supervise the other officers and to plan and conduct all officer, advisory board, and general meetings. The President is the facilitator; experience as a Tau Beta Pi officer is strongly recommended. The President also acts as the representative of the society in correspondence with other organizations (including serving as the official UMEC representative). The President gets to interact with many people on different levels. In addition the President is instrumental in setting the vision and goals of the chapter. The President additionally:

  • With assistance from team leads, manages the responsibilities of the officers.
  • Schedules, plans, organizes, and runs all of the officer and general body meetings.
  • Organizes the Mailout (sending invitations to all eligible students/parents).
  • Is the official delegate to the National Convention or District 7 Conference and arranges travel plans for all MI-G delegates.
  • Communicates with Nationals, COE, and the University.
  • Serves as the Lead for the Executive Committee and chair of the Advisory Board.

Vice President

Team: Executive Committee

Term: 1 Semester

The Vice-President oversees the electee process and acts as second-in-command to the President. The
VP gets to know the electees better than anyone else. Knowledge of the electee process and internal
workings of TBP is a big plus, and organizational and people skills are a must. The VP gets to meet and
work with many new students.

  • Is the contact person for all undergraduate electees.
  • Keeps a close eye on the progress of all undergraduate electees.
  • Organizes the electee material, electee groups, and electee games.
  • Organizes and conducts undergraduate electee interviews.
  • Works with Secretary to ensure electees have approval from Nationals.

Graduate Student Vice President

Team: Executive Committee

Term: 1 Semester

The Graduate Student Vice President runs the electee process for graduate students and organizes all graduate socials. This position is typically filled by a graduate student member.
Is the contact person for all grad electees
Tracks progress of grad electees
Arranges grad electee interviews and group meetings, sometimes in conjunction with Grad Electee Team Leads
Organizes all grad socials, sometimes in conjunction with GSAC
* Works with Secretary to ensure electees have approval from Nationals.
Is the Grad Student voice on the Advisory Board


Team: Executive Committee

Term: Academic Year, Elected in Winter

The Secretary is in charge of completing all paperwork and ensuring that it is submitted to the National
Office on time. This includes:

  • Report of Eligible Students, Report of Candidate Election, Report of Final Action (Initiation).
  • Chapter Survey and accompanying project reports.
  • Officer updates, and any national’s ballots.

The Secretary is also the main contact between the chapter and National Office. The Secretary holds the responsibilities of the Recording Secretary and is in charge of taking minutes at the meeting and making them available to the active membership, as well as reserving rooms for chapter events. Responsibility, organizational skills, and an enthusiastic interest in the behind-the-scenes working of the Chapter are a must.


Team: Executive Committee

Term: Calendar Year

The Treasurer is responsible for managing the Chapter.s finances and day-to-day monetary transactions. The Treasurer is also the primary liaison between SOAS and TBP. This position requires excellent organizational and book-keeping skills and an interest in learning about the Chapters finances.

  • Creates and administers the budget each semester
  • Promptly processes reimbursements and scholarship award through SOAS
  • Renew SOAS account at the start of the academic year
  • Collect membership dues from electees.
  • Update the authorized signers for TBP every semester
  • Records donations to TBP and donations to charity
  • Files annually (by May 15) IRS Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax
  • Submit Financial Report and tax returns to Nationals by June.
  • Oversees the Underclassmen Mixer, with assistance from the rest of the Executive Committee.

External Vice President

Team: Executive Committee

Term: 2 Calendar Year Positions

The External Vice-Presidents, with their counterparts from SWE, plan and run the SWE/TBP Career Fair in the Fall and organize the CoE Leaders and Honors Brunch in the Winter. The Career Fair is the largest and most important event run by the Chapter. These officers must have excellent organizational skills and must be willing to put in a lot of time to ensure the success of the Fair. The EVPs must also oversee the selection of outstanding students for recognition at the Honors Brunch. They should have strong PR skills as they get to work with leaders in the College of Engineering and corporate representatives.

  • Plan and run the Fall SWE/TBP Career Fair, planning starts in December.
  • Recruit TBP members to serve on Career Fair committees.
  • Plan and run the Winter CoE Leaders & Honors Brunch.
  • Recruit TBP active members to serve on Honors Brunch committees.
  • Plan and Execute the Order of the Engineer Ceremony every semester.

Service Coordinator

Team Lead: Events Team

Term: 1 Semester

The Service Coordinator is in charge of overseeing all service projects done by the Chapter. They must communicate with the many project leaders to ensure the success of the events. The Service Coordinator should have an outstanding interest in community service and great organizational skills.
Recruits project leaders to run each service project
Coordinate the scheduling of service projects with project leaders, and other members of the Service Team as needed
Provides project leaders with direction and any necessary material
Ensures the timely completion of project reports
Plans and implements new service projects
Works with VP, Website Officer, and electees to ensure that service requirements and deadlines are met
* Helps publicize service events

Activities Officer

Team: Events Team

Term: 1 Semester

The Activities Officer is responsible for the Chapters social events, including intersociety events, and the Initiation Banquet. This position is great for outgoing and creative personalities.

  • Plans social events throughout the semester (ex: Movie Night, Game Night, Boba Socials, etc). Can also recruit members to help lead events.
  • Brainstorms and implements new socials.
  • Oversee and manage banquet preparations.

Professional Development Officer

Team: Events Team

Term: Calendar Year

The Professional Development Officer is the Chapter’s liaison to the corporate world. This position involves interfacing with industry representatives and thus requires good organizational and people skills.

  • Arranges for industry representatives to give corporate presentations at meetings
  • Provides opportunities for members to network with industry through service projects or professional
    development sessions, such as Engineering Futures
  • Publicizes TBP's resume book to companies at each semesters Career Fair
  • Sets up information sessions for companies as needed

Campus Outreach Officer

Team: Events Team

Term: 1 Semester

The Campus Outreach Officer is in charge of Chapter efforts related to outreach on campus. This consists largely of tutoring, but new outreach programs that utilize our resources are also encouraged. The position requires interest in expanding and improving our academic presence on campus.

  • Promotes the chapter’s image and increases awareness of TBP on campus by serving as a liaison between the chapter and the broader UM community
  • Organizes electees and actives to serve as tutors to UM students
  • Publicizes tutoring through, for example, email, flyering, chalking, announcements, and presence at freshmen-oriented events like Festifall, Northfest, etc.
  • Works with other societies and the College of Engineering to increase chapter recognition and improve the tutoring service
  • Seeks and coordinates new opportunities for outreach to CoE students, especially Freshmen and Sophomores

K-12 Outreach Officer

Team: Events Team

Term: 2 Offset Yearlong Terms

The K-12 Outreach Officers are responsible for the Chapters engineering outreach within the
community. This consists largely of the MindSET outreach program but may be expanded in the future. The position requires working with both the Chapter and the community.

  • Lead the K-12 Committee in planning all K-12 Outreach activities, including MindSET
  • Are the contact for K-12 local schools and for communication with Nationals regarding MindSET

Chapter Development Officer

Team Lead: Chapter Team

Term: 1 Semester

The Chapter Development Officer is responsible for identifying, developing, and implementing new ideas and improvements in almost any area of the Chapter. They help the Executive Committee with turning feedback and ideas into actionable items. The Chapter Development Officer oversees New Initiative meetings which serve as a forum for Chapter members to discuss ideas, suggestions, and concerns. This position requires initiative and creative thinking, and is perfect for someone who has a desire to impact the Chapter. Access to a car is helpful, and familiarity with chapter operations is a big plus.

  • Plans and runs New Initiatives meetings throughout the semester
  • Provides food and drinks at NI meetings
  • Keeps up-to-date with what is happening at the Chapter, College, and University to identify new opportunities
  • Develops new service, social, and intersociety ideas (works with corresponding officers to implement)
  • Improves image (external) and workings (internal) of Chapter

Membership Officer

Team: Chapter Team

Term: 1 Semester

The membership chair is the counterpart to the VP for active members. Organizational skills are a must. This officer also is responsible for logistics for chapter general meetings. Access to a car is very valuable (borrow one or own one).

  • Manages and keeps up-to-date all Chapter mailing lists
  • Manages meeting sign-in
  • Orders dinner for meetings and purchases drinks and sides from store.
  • Sets up food at meetings and cleans up room after.
  • Organizes TBPals
  • Orders cords and stoles for graduating members
  • Orders DA and PA gifts and arranges distribution to DAs and PAs
  • Tracks DA and PA requirement progress

Publicity Officer

Team: Chapter Team

Term: 1 Semester

The Publicity officer is in charge of making sure everything TBP does is publicized to the appropriate audience.

  • Send a Weekly Announcements email to Chapter mailing lists every Week
  • Publicize Chapter events to the College and/or University if necessary (in collaboration with officer in charge of event) through COE calendar(s), flyer generation, etc.
  • Manages the Chapter's social media accounts to promote external facing TBP events.


Team: Chapter Team

Term: 1 Semester

The Historian is in charge of chapter publications including the Cornerstone, Alumni Newsletter, and website publications. The Historian is in charge of picture taking for the Chapter Survey and maintains chapter records, such as member demographics, as needed.


Term: Variable,1-6 Semesters (may be reelected)

Advisors must be:

  • a faculty member,
  • a national official,
  • an alumni of MI-G, with appropriate chapter experience,
  • a graduate student with appropriate chapter experience, or
  • a former chapter president.

Advisors are responsible for ensuring chapter continuity and serve on the Advisory Board. Many advisors choose to help maintain long-term projects which have included, conference/convention hosting, bylaws, officer transitions, tax statuses, MindSET, among others. Some advisors also help get new chapter initiatives off the ground such as opening the foo bar, hosting Town Halls, TBP Talks, Pi Day,or others. Being an advisor is an inherently flexible commitment to the chapter to help improve it in a variety of ways.

Merit Badge Day Chair

(Co-)Chair of the Merit Badge Day Committee

MindSET Chair

(Co-)Chair of the MindSET Committee

Campus Outreach Chair

The Campus Outreach Chair works under the direction of the Campus Outreach Officer with responsibilities that may include coordinating and running The Breakfast Parties

Professional Development Chair

(Co-)Chair of the Professional Development Committee

Banquet Arrangements Chair

(Co-)chair of Banquet Arrangements

Graduate Students Activities Chair

The Graduate Student Activities Chair works with the Graduate Student Vice President to plan and host the chapter's graduate socials. Typically assists in hosting 5-6 grauate socials spaced throughout the semester.

IM Sports Chair

Manages the chapter's IM Sports participation

Career Fair Chair

Oversee a Committee for the Fall Engineering Career Fair

New Initiatives Chair

Organizes the New Initiatives Sessions

Governing Documents Chair

Oversees the chapter governing documents and ensures changes are properly logged.

DEI Chair

The Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Chair(s) will assist the executive team and advisory board in developing, refining, and implementing Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity related policies, programs, and activities within the chapter and in the broader community. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair(s) will chair the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Committee and will be a member of the Chapter Team.

Website Chair

Manages the chapter's website presence and any related technologies

Apparel Chair

Term: 1 Semester

The Apparel Chair is responsible for the design and acquisition of any MI-G branded apparel that the chapter may desire. This chair serves on the Chapter Team.

Career Fair Director

Manage the Fall Engineering Career Fair

Report a bug.