Elections 3

Event Type: Service Hours

Semester elections for the Winter 2024 Officer Corps. Service hours were provided to those who stayed past 9 PM.

Project Leaders: Jacob Victor Miller (millerjv), Karen Jin (karenjin), Ansh Patel (anshp), and Alexander Justin Li (alexjli)

Start TimeEnd TimeLocation AttendeesSign-up for shift
Tue. Nov. 28, 2023 9 p.m.Tue. Nov. 28, 2023 10 p.m.Virtual (https://umich.zoom.us/j/94692516088) (off campus)

42 (no limit)

You must login to sign-up
Tue. Nov. 28, 2023 9 p.m.Tue. Nov. 28, 2023 10 p.m.1013 DOW (on campus)

36 (no limit)

You must login to sign-up
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