Jimu Robot Event

Event Type: K-12 Outreach Hours

Derby Middle School in Birmingham, MI is looking for women engineers to serve as mentors to female students at their school for a robotics event. The event is for girls who are interested in building and coding robots. The hope is to have one woman volunteer to work with every girl as they build and code a JIMU robot.

Email: Lhart@Birmingham.k12.mi.us with your Name, Cell, Email, and University.

Note: This is an off campus event so please be sure you have transportation arranged before signing up to volunteer.

Project Leaders: Zahraa Bazzi (bazzizf)

When: Sat. Jan. 20, 2024 2:45 p.m.–7 p.m.

Where: 1300 Derby Rd, Birmingham, MI 48009 (off campus)

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