SERVE Kickoff Meeting: Career Fair Website Tools

Event Type: Service Hours

The SWE-TBP Fall Engineering Career Fair is the largest and most important invent we run every year. With nearly 300 employers and thousands of students, the event can get pretty hectic. Thus, a centralized, user-friendly app containing crucial information for the fair would be valuable for the continued retention and growth of the fair.

In this SERVE project, you will be able to help develop the features and functionality of a Career Fair app that thousands of students and recruiters alike will use to navigate the fair. Everyone is welcome to contribute, even if you aren't well-versed in the software side of things!

Join us in-person or over Zoom as we begin this exciting project. Food will be provided for members attending in-person.

Project Leaders: Drew Boughton (drbought)

Start TimeEnd TimeLocation AttendeesSign-up for shift
Wed. Feb. 14, 2024 4:30 p.m.Wed. Feb. 14, 2024 5:30 p.m. (off campus)

6 (no limit)

You must login to sign-up
Wed. Feb. 14, 2024 4:30 p.m.Wed. Feb. 14, 2024 5:30 p.m.DOW 2150 (on campus)

8 (no limit)

You must login to sign-up
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