Dec. 1, 2015
By: Sarah Paris
On November 15th, the TBP Michigan Gamma Chapter (a Charter partner of BSA Venture Crew 11) hosted our signature Cub Scouts Day event.
“The group leaders were awesome!” “GREAT EVENT!” “Great student leaders. Thanks!”
These are but a few quotes from parents regarding this semester’s Cub Scouts Day, an event we host every semester. Word of our Chapter’s amazing event is spreading far and wide: Scouts came from places as far away as Traverse City, Chicago, and northern Ohio.
As you can see from the parent feedback, we are happy to report that the program went amazingly well! Nearly 120 Scouts built and fired catapults, designed and destroyed bridges, learned about electricity and saved eggs from being splattered in our famous Egg Drop. Along with all of this fun and learning, Tau Bates taught the Scouts about the variety of engineering disciplines, and encouraged the youth to learn more about how engineers shape the society around them. Concurrently, and in a change of pace from previous semesters, we hosted an official College of Engineering tour for interested parents to learn more about our beloved College. They had a great time, and were excited to see the beautiful landscape on North Campus. As part of our mission to reach out to the College of Engineering community, we collaborated with IEEE-HKN, who opened their dB Café and provided coffee for volunteers and parents. Members of Alpha Phi Omega (APO), a national coeducational service organization, and the Epeians, Michigan’s Engineering Leadership Honor Society, also provided enthusiastic volunteers for the event.
While we as project leaders dedicated a lot of effort to make Cub Scouts Day successful, this event simply wouldn’t be possible without the excellent service provided by the Actives and Electees of Tau Beta Pi Michigan-Gamma, our friends in IEEE-HKN, APO, the Epeians, and the College of Engineering community. We are proud to work with the Leaders and Best at the University of Michigan, and look forward to Winter 2016’s eagerly anticipated event.
If you will be in Ann Arbor next March and are interested in participating, please contact for more details. As always, Go Blue!
Tagged: Anastasia Katharine Ostrowski (akostrow), His Royal Majesty Michael Lee Benson (mlbenson), Max Olender (molender), and Dr. David Thomas Martel (damartel)