TBP March Madness Bracket Challenge

March 17, 2014

By: Michael Benson

We are pleased to announce the inaugural TBP March Madness Bracket Challenge! Entry into the challenge will cost $5/bracket. Proceeds from this bracket challenge will be donated to Mott's Children Hospital. A phenomenal prize will be awarded to the Challenge winner.

Note: to win the grand prize, you must pay the $5 entry fee per bracket to an officer during their office hours in the TBP office (1226 EECS).

Even if you've never seen a college basketball game and don't know who any of the teams are, you still have a good chance to win! We encourage you to join the challenge!

To participate in the TBP March Madness Bracket Challenge, simply follow these steps by 6pm EDT, Wednesday March 19th @ 11:59pm EDT:

If you already have an ESPN.com account, please skip to step 3.

  1. Visit ESPN
  2. Click the red button labeled Sign up for a free ESPN account and follow the instructions to sign up for a FREE account with ESPN.com
  3. Visit this page and type Tau Beta Pi - MI-G in the search box.
  4. You will be prompted for a password to join the group, it is TauBetaPi
  5. Under the My Entries tab, click on your ESPN.com username. (Please use your uniqname for the name of your bracket)
  6. You will see a screen with 64 teams arranged in groups of 16. Click on the name of each team that you would like to advance to the next round of the tournament. Continue this process until a national champion has been selected.
  7. Don't forget to enter your prediction for the score of the final (National Championship) game for tie-breaking purposes.

A prize will be awarded to the highest score based on the challenge The winner must have paid for all of his/her brackets to be eligible to win.

For general information about the NCAA Men's Basketball tournament, please visit wikipedia

Should you have any questions about this challenge, or trouble signing up, please email Benson or Scott.

Tagged: Scott Cooper (smcoop) and His Royal Majesty Michael Lee Benson (mlbenson)

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